Magic is the Science of Love ♥ Tarot Card Readings ♥ Energy Healing ♥ Group Events ♥ Since 2008

Kelly: “Am I a building or a clump of trees?”
Ernesto: “Are you falling in love with me?” 
Chiri: “When can I see a rainbow?”

Dear Chiri, 

Rainbows can be made by holding a shy boy in the sunlight and letting the rays hit a white wall. Sun hitting a spunky girl will cast the rainbow on the opposite side. A sparrow on a windowsill or a unicorn will direct the sunrays into a spectrum on the inside. You will see it's quite beautiful.

Under special conditions even moonlight will bring about a rainbow, but the most effective and realistic way to make a rainbow is through a light-bending, spectrum-reflective, guided tarot reading with Cho Tarot. What questions do you have, dear one? To schedule a reading or to purchase a gift certificate, please email

Cho Tarot