A Bottle of Dirty & Other Coastal Tales
followed by musical performances by Mirah & Emily Zeitlyn of The Weeds
Curated by E.R. Cho

Sunday, February 13, 2005 at 2:00 PM
New Art Cinemas at Whaler's Wharf
237 Commercial Street, 2nd Floor 
Provincetown MA 02657

Program Description (transcribed from program):

"Welcome clams and eels, whales and seals, ladies and gentlesquirts!

Inspired by Provincetown as a haven for queers (and other misfits, see: MODERN GIRL below) and Cape Cod's beautiful coastal landscape, I hoped to bring together a collection of short film and video with an oceanic smart smut theme to puddle out your icicles this beautiful day before Valentine's Day. (Wipe your seats!) In the end I have here a group of artists representin' 1999-2005, the West and East Coasts and Canada, who bring to the screen an exciting challenge to our understanding of queerness as a resistant identity. 

The following program may include sexually explcit imagery. Cock and snatch, okay!? We are not responsible for how it affects you. 

Thank you to Vanessa Downing, Liz Clairicoates, Michelle Marchese, The Lovers, the Weeds, Emily, Mirah, LisaMarie Nowakowski, and Amy O'Hara, and all the artists who contributed work. 

Please enjoy the show!"